I have many years of experience in various facets of the technology field at institutions of higher education. I have held positions in user support, web development, database development, and systems integration. Although my career took a programming slant, I would very much like to move to a management position in end-user support or service management.

My personal mission statement is to educate, empower, and positively impact the lives of others.
I would like to apply my customer service skills and technical acumen in a management capacity. I supervised student aides, developed training and documentation for educating and assisting technology support personnel, and managed support for multiple computer labs. I have a proven record of success in adapting to my audience, in supporting all individuals from students to faculty to vice presidents, and in researching and arguing technical scenarios and plans. I can think and articulate strategically, tactically, and operationally.
Peruse here or view my LinkedIn profile.